About Kiranavali
Kiranavali, the journal of Sanskrit Research foundation is published with the intention to keep up the rich academic tradition of Thiruvananthapuram in the area of Sanskrit learning.. The journal covers contemporary trends in the study of Sanskrit. and related subjects and problems in methodology. Contemporary Indology surpasses classical Indology in all aspects. The new trends in social sciences and cultural studies influenced ‘new Indology’ to a great extent. Philosophy, literature, grammar, fine arts etc. were analysed and discussed in the light of new ideologies. In this milieu we would like to reconsider our traditional knowledge systems
to make them transparent. We are inviting excellent original research papers from scholars. Kiranavali is a peer reviewed journal. Eminent academicians and experts form our review panel. We are expecting co-operations from all.
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be typed in a 12 pt. font and doublespaced on one side of plain paper, with wide margins to allow for editorial notes and instructions to the printer. Equations and symbols should be typed if possible; in any case, clarity is essential. The first page of the manuscript should contain the article title. Each page of the manuscript should be consecutively numbered, including pages of references and captions. As we follow a double-blind reviewing procedure, authors are requested not to include their name or affiliation in their submitted papers. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided. Authors
should thus make sure that their names and/or affiliations are NOT mentioned on any of the manuscript pages. If authors do include their names on submitted papers, anonymous reviewing cannot be guaranteed. You can mention your name and other related details in the covering letter.
You can send the papers directly to the editor or the section editors. You are advised to send two copies of the manuscript neatly printed on one side of the paper, along with a soft copy (M.S.Word). Your personal details, text and notes and references should be collected as separate word (.doc) files. Space is too precious. Hence we request to embed the citation in text itself and collect the ‘works cited’ at the end
of the paper. More clearly you are advised to follow M.L.A.hand book
To subscribe Kiranavali please email to dr.g.narayanan@gmail.com for
Research Papers Invited
Kiranavali, the journal of Sanskrit Research Foundation, is inviting Original research papers from Scholars on topics related to INDOLOGY. Those who are interested should send two printed copies of their article with a Soft copy. An abstract in 50 to 100 words and Key word should be supplied. The acceptance will be intimated after review.
Research Papers Invited
Kiranavali, the journal of Sanskrit Research Foundation, is inviting Original research papers from Scholars on topics related to INDOLOGY. Those who are interested should send two printed copies of their article with a Soft copy. An abstract in 50 to 100 words and Key word should be supplied. The acceptance will be intimated after review.